The Android Diaries, Part 1

12/30/2012  Having made  my new year’s resolution to become more technical,  even though it is not yet the new year, I decide to start early with the purchase of my new smart phone.  As I confidently head out to the AT&T store, I’m contemplating Apple vs Android.  At the store, I listen in as the phone geek behind the counter shows an older couple how to use a smart phone and shows them differences between the iPhone 5 and the Galaxy S iii.   After hearing some of the pros and cons of both, the couple decides on an iPhone.  I ask if I can download tunes on the Galaxy and the answer is not from my iPod but there are 6000 free songs available online.  Can I download the books from my Nook?  The answer is yes.  And seeing the line of customers behind me become longer and more impatient, I leave the store and return home to research both smartphones on the internet.

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